Where Do Cyberattacks Come From?

As we become more reliant on technology and its purposes, our exposure to cyberattacks also increases. Cyberattacks are no longer limited to desktop computers, they can happen on any device at any given time. This includes mobile phones, tablets and other smart devices used within a business and home.

Previously, all attacks derived from outside sources e.g. the internet. To counteract these attacks, cyber security companies built systems such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS). With the inclusion of anti-virus software, all these network security appliances are now outdated as cyberattacks have become more elaborate.

Historically, attackers needed to find a way to get through edge devices and penetrate network security systems before they could make a serious breach. However, these defences are no longer a barrier to cyber attackers. The malware has become so advanced that is it encrypted and essentially invisible to network protection systems. Just as technology has advanced, so has the method of cyber attackers who are now able to infiltrate systems and gain direct access to networks from within the networks themselves.

Access is gained through a variety of methods which include:

  • Email phishing: attackers pretend to be a verified source and ask you for personal information
  • URL phishing: attackers create a false website that is like a verified one to steal your information
  • Unsecured apps: hackers insert their code on top of an app’s secure code to conduct background tasks

By failing to acknowledge the advancement of cyber attacker systems, companies do not see that many attacks now happen from within their networks. Being organised from edge devices to servers and personal devices is no longer enough as cyber security systems need to be more robust and include full coverage.

Working with a reliable cyber security professional or company is the first step you can take to changing your business’ reaction to cyberattacks. You can also take a further step by working with a company who can go beyond traditional anti-virus software. At Office Anyplace, we use a Zero Trust security approach that places our clients in a much better and safer position. This innovative approach to IT security assumes that no-one is trustworthy until proven otherwise – whether they are a regular user of your system or not.

If you’re relying on anti-virus software and edge protection, but want to find a more robust solution, get in touch today to discuss with a member of our team.

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